For the collection of information such as the GPS position, the presence of fish, the surface temperature, the thermocline, for the protection of species thanks to cetacean repellents, captures of non-lethal sharks, on-board camera system, 

Environmental data for fishing, satellite GPS buoy, with depth sounder, radio GPS buoy for fixed / drifting and longline FADs, fisheries monitoring system, cetacean repellent, light lure, purse seine sensor, Smart Drumline system against shark attacks.

ISI FISH is a team of engineers in fisheries and sales specialists in the fishing and instrumentation sector at sea, operating for more than 15 years in France and overseas.

Fisheries and oceanographic expertise

A scientific approach and a constant process of innovation and progress in the service of professionals are the values ​​that guide us at Isi-Fish. Created by fisheries for professionals in the sector, ISI FISH has a perfect knowledge of the fisheries, oceanographic and technological environment.

« Being at the heart of the business » allows us to advise, support professionals and offer them solutions as close as possible to their problems in order to facilitate decision-making, reduce costs and ensure the sustainable use of halieutics resources.

A proximity that allows us to provide and advise shipowners, fishing companies and institutions of all sizes, adapting each time to the constraints of the vessels, the environment and the issues. We also participate in Research and Development projects, audit and consulting assignments.

Available and responsive, our team listens to its customers to train, support users in the first steps in hand, follow them in troubleshooting. We invest in the field, get on board ships and work with our technical partners and suppliers to provide the entire profession with feedback and develop new applications to meet the needs of our customers.

Sustainable fishing support

At the origins of the company, there is Gildas and Cyrille’s passion for the marine world. Marine biologists and fishermen by training, they consider the preservation of the environment and the good management of marine resources as the fundamentals of the fishing of the future. Through ISI FISH, they wish to contribute to the development of sustainable fishing by supporting their clients in their fishing practices.

Sensitized to environmental management and the preservation of biodiversity, Isi-Fish primarily chooses products that reduce the impact of fishing activities on the environment, such as cetacean repellents, the use of which reduces catches. marine mammals or the MLI-S buoy designed to protect populations against shark attacks while avoiding killing them.

Isi Fish also supports its customers in the use of products that act indirectly by reducing CO2 emissions, such as decision support tools that optimize prospecting and fishing times or that reduce waste because they can be reused.

Research and Development

« ISI FISH is the privileged partner of companies which develop applications intended for fishing activities. »

ISI FISH has expertise in the design of decision-support tools for players in the fisheries sector: armaments, vessels, equipment manufacturers, managers of fishing areas or areas to be protected.

We carry out the R&D necessary to create new products or improve existing ones in order to better meet the needs of our customers. We help define software by developing specifications, choosing the data to collect and analyze, and developing man-machine interfaces. Our expertise makes it possible to optimize its development according to the specificities of the profession.

Force of proposal, ISI FISH through the integration of new technologies promotes innovation and the emergence of new maritime applications.