Founded in 2007 by Gildas Bodilis, ISI FISH, based in Concarneau, is today a key player in the maritime sector as a supplier of technological products intended for the professional fishing sector and more broadly for the maritime world.

Thanks to a very good knowledge of the needs of its customers, ISIFISH selects the products of its catalog according to very precise criteria: an efficient and safe technology, a design and manufacture adapted to the marine environment and to ships as well as the services rendered that meet the objectives. trades of its customers. Compliance with regulations, product quality and the possibility of a manufacturer’s after-sales service are also taken into account in the choice of products offered by ISIFISH

Our company is recognized for its expertise in the field of state-of-the-art information systems to aid commercial fishing and ocean observation and the protection of ecosystems.

ISI FISH is the privileged interlocutor of the major French tuna fishing companies as well as numerous artisanal fishing companies, research institutes and administrations which call on its expertise in the fields of in-situ data collection, protection of ecosystems and compliance with maritime regulations.

Over time, ISI FISH has developed a network of partners in France and overseas, including many technicians, dealers and suppliers ready to work on our customers’ vessels.

Science, innovation and shared expertise for the benefit of the
maritime sector

The core values ​​of ISIFISH as seen by Gildas Bodilis :

A scientific approach and a constant process of innovation and progress at the service of professionals are values ​​that guide us at Isi-Fish. Created by fisheries for professionals in the sector, ISI FISH has a perfect knowledge of the fisheries, oceanographic and technological environment.

« Being at the heart of the business » , allows us to advise to support professionals and offer them solutions as close as possible to their problems in order to facilitate decision-making , reduce costs and ensure sustainable exploitation of fishery resources.

A proximity that allows us to provide and advise shipowners, fishing companies and institutions of all sizes, adapting each time to the constraints of the vessels, the environment and the issues. We also participate in Research and Development projects, audit and consulting missions for example to choose a technical solution that meets the specifications of the client and define the stages of deployment for the equipment of a flotilla. We also meet the needs of products for scientific campaigns or product tests for professional structures.

Available and responsive , our team listens to its customers « 365 days a year » to train, support users in the first steps in hand, follow them in troubleshooting. We invest in the field, get on board ships and work with our technical partners and suppliers to provide the entire profession with feedback and develop new applications to meet the needs of our customers. »